what is schema markup

What is Schema Markup and How to Confirm it’s Working

Google uses structured data to analyze the content on web pages. That’s why you should provide a schema markup that makes it easy for the search engine to collect the necessary information about your website. 

This will help Google figure out which search queries website content matches. Finally, the search engine will provide users with the best possible results. 

Your content will be displayed in rich snippets in search results in the best-case scenario. If this happens, you’ll get high amounts of traffic, and, most importantly, the awareness of your brand will increase. 

Your schema markup may include the different product prices, customer reviews, etc. Make sure that you don’t violate Google’s guidelines on the structured data. On top of that, you have to test your schema markup. 

What is Schema Markup?

Schema markup is the code that you can integrate into your website. This code helps search engines to provide users with all the necessary information about your website in a better way. So, users can easily understand what your site is all about after seeing it in search results.       

Importance of Performing Structured Data Testing

After implementing a schema markup into a website, you should check its accuracy. When doing this type of check, you need to assess the validity of your markup. Plus, you need to figure out how schema markup affects the performance of your website for SEO

Luckily, there are effective schema markup validator tools that you can use to test your structured data. This blog will provide some of the best schema markup testing tools and describe them briefly. Also, we’ll give you the tips that you need to follow to get the most out of these tools.

Structured Data Markup Validation

Initially, you need to ensure a markup on a page. One of the best ways to do this is to check in Google Search Console. This process may take several days or even a month. It all depends on how frequently Google crawls your website. So, you must be prepared to wait.

Some websites use JavaScript. Remember that it’s necessary to use special tools to test websites with dynamic schema markup. Such tools can load the HTML and process JavaScript. And, of course, the help of the testing tools is immeasurable in the structured data markup validation process.         

Using Schema Markup Validator Tools

You need to check your schema markup for any errors in the implementation. It may take a long time before Google Search Console notify you about errors. Check out Schema.org’s Markup Tool here.

However, you can use the special tools to get the errors and warnings in your markup much faster. Remember that schema markup validation tools work well and provide users with quick results. Now, we’ll give you insights into some of the top structured data markup validation and testing tools. 

Schema Markup Validator (SMV)

Schema Markup Validator (SMV) came out in early 2021. Now, let’s take a closer look at the tool’s history. 

The main objective of the SMV tool is to replace Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool (SDTT). Initially, Google wanted to officially replace SDTT with the Rich Results Testing Tool. However, the company changed its decision later.

Schema Markup Validator is a tool that serves as a solution for the Schema.org community. It’s important to know that SMV and SDTT tools have many things in common. 

The Schema Markup Validator and Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool are easy to use. Both tools provide the results in easy to read format. So, you will not find it difficult to run the tests and read the schema markup.        

It’s worth noting that the idea was very successful, and the tool quickly gained popularity. Nowadays, Schema Markup Validator (SMV) tool is widely used to test structured data.

Schema Markup Validator is a validator that can work with different types of markups such as Microdata, JSON-LD, and RDFa. The tools help find the errors and warnings in the markup and provide the report on the extracted structured data. After analyzing the results provided by the tool, you’ll manage to make all the necessary adjustments to the markup.        

Rich Results Testing Tool (RRTT)

RRTT is a tool that comes with all rich result features. Combining the Rich Results Testing Tool with Google Search Console is possible. The tool shows all the rich results for a page. You’ll see all the rich results for which a page is eligible with the tool. If you use the Rich Results Testing Tool, you can also take advantage of the preview feature. In this case, the tool will show you how rich results for a page will look in the SERP. 

Initially, you have to integrate structured data into a web page. By doing so, you will manage to activate special features on your website in Google Search results. After that, you have to check a page with the Rich Results Testing Tool. 

There are several ways to run the test for the page. You can test a page for a URL or a code snippet.

Would you like to run the test of the page for a URL? If so, you have to submit the page’s URL to the test. Ensure that the URL is available on the Internet and anyone can easily access a page.

You can also choose to test a page for the code snippet. In this case, you have to provide the tool with the code instead of the URL.

Once the test is complete, the tool will provide you with the results. Finally, the tool will provide you with the report. The report contains all errors, warnings, and suggestions on how to improve the structured data. The tool will provide information on URL status, crawling, detected items, detected structured data, and other important aspects.

But most importantly, such a tool as RRTT will serve as Google Assistant. The tool will allow you to see how your page will look in Google Search. The tool will enable you to select different layouts or generate new layouts for a page. After viewing different layouts for desktop searches and layouts for mobile searches, you can make the best possible choice. 

The Rich Results Testing Tool allows users to share the results with others. All that you need to do is to give the browser link with the test results to a person who needs it. So, they will manage to view the results within the next 90 days.     

RRTT works for schema.org types only if they are eligible for rich results. You can use the Rich Results Testing Tool with the other tools if it’s necessary to check a page with the types which are not eligible for rich results. In this case, the tool will provide a comprehensive view of the entire markup on the site’s page.

Using SMV together with RRTT

It also makes a lot of sense to use the Rich Results Testing Tool and Schema Markup Validator. Often, utilizing both testing tools makes it possible for you to detect serious errors that have a profound negative impact on the appearance of a page in search results. There are many factors that Google will penalize you for, but schema is definitely something worth doing correctly.

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