five ways to boost customer satisfaction online

If you want to reduce the bounce rate on your website, then you have to boost the customer experience on your site. A high bounce rates simply prove that visitors and customers aren’t receiving the expected result from the page they have landed on. So, it doesn’t matter if what you sell on your site is precisely what they need because if the provided experience is terrible, they’ll press that back button and look elsewhere. Engagement is almost inevitable when the experience is good; ultimately, they will keep returning for more. For most customers who endure the terrible experience and still make a purchase, you can rest assured they won’t be returning.

Below are five ways you can boost customer experience on your Website, so without further ado, let’s jump right in!

making a website more mobile friendly for customer satisfaction

1. Make the Site Mobile Friendly.

It’s not enough for a site to be compatible with mobile devices and must be user-friendly. You must ensure that when loaded on mobile devices, some areas aren’t missing functionality or hiding some details.

Have you ever received that message asking you to load on a desktop for a better experience? Brutal, right. Now that’s a terrible rerouting for mobile users, who make up to 50% of website visitors.

People shop with mobile phones on the go, in the restroom, watching TV, eating, and doing just about anything that can permit them to use their phones still.

You don’t want to lose these people because your website struggles to fit into their device viewport. Well, maybe the restroom ones can go.

2. Avoid Intricate Themes and Plugins.

Some of the high-quality themes and plugins you add to your ecommerce (or service-based) site can reduce load times, and this can be so annoying. Some themes delay the time before a page’s content appears, and while navigating through the site, there are hitches due to some videos or other large-sized web design features.

The entire design experience compounds into an ugly one for both mobile and desktop users. Go simple with the design of the user interface; the goal is for products to get the needed engagement and not for aesthetic allures.

No one wants to hang around a site where it’s challenging to navigate. Some simpler designs look beautiful regardless.

3. Make the Site Intuitive and Easy to Navigate with Site Search.

A bad website structure is a recipe for failure and higher bounce rates already. The site should be intuitive, so user flows is at the forefront of design and layout.

Site search functionality aids navigation around the site and boosts the experience positively. Site search can also help users seamlessly find products faster (or whatever they’re after).

The stress of scrolling and looking for specific needs on the sites can be avoided by adding a functioning search bar.

Referral of a Business

4. Less is Always More with Content and Post.

Don’t clutter your site with wordy content; most site visitors know where to go when they need to read lengthy posts.

They are on your site for a specific purpose, for shopping, finding products or learn about your services that they can peruse and make recommendations to their colleagues. So, find a way to cut the fat out of your content and posts.

Make the posts simpler to understand by using relatable and transitional words. Trim the longer sentences by getting rid of redundant words and replacing them with synonyms across all your posts.

And you should know that the attention span of humans is getting shorter by the day (last we heard it was at 6-seconds, on par with a goldfish). Ensure your content is well written with the correct elements to grip readers’ attention and make them commit to the site with allegiance.

Woman writing concepts for an article

5. Incorporate Live Chats.

It can be the best experience for most customers visiting your site. With a live chat feature using a chat Bot, questions can be answered instantaneously when they ask for it.

Granted, sometimes it can be unpleasant to have these chat Bots popping up when navigating around the site, but they come in handy when there’s a need.

Think of all the time it’ll take for a customer to send an email inquiring about something important to the user and then get a reply probably after some minutes or hours with a chatbot.

That can be avoided with a live chat Bot that supplies all the answers the customer throws at it. If the Bot feature is too expensive, a customer representative can be designated to run the site’s customer service and respond whenever a customer inquiry comes in.

Customer service is, more often than not, the best experience for customers.